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by Essence Diaries
Nov 20, 20231 min read
Death as an Adviser
Turn to your left and ask advice from your death. It was part of a conversation Castaneda had with the Yaqui sorcerer don Juan Matus....
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by Essence Diaries
Jan 26, 20232 min read
IMBOLC: the point between Samhain & Beltane
February 1st marks the first important Celtic festival of the year: Imbolc. Halfway between Samhain (1st November) and Beltaine (1st...
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by Essence Diaries
Dec 1, 20223 min read
Journey to Theopolis
A few days after the NM in Sagittarius, I decided to have a road trip and a hike in a special place, located between saint Geniez and...
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by Essence Diaries
Sep 1, 20221 min read
Stopping the world!
In his book Journey to Ixtlan, Castaneda talks about the concept of stopping the world. It involves leaving behind an old version of...
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