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Alive or dead? Mystery of Maritime Law

Writer's picture: by Essence Diariesby Essence Diaries

Updated: Sep 25, 2024

After the great fire of London 1666, when many people fled the country/got lost or died, UK government didn't know who was still alive or dead so behind closed doors they decided to issue Ceste Que Vie Act (Act - Play) and call EVERY ONE lost at sea.

CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of the UK and the world were declared dead and lost beyond the seas. If men and women didn't provide the evidence to the courts that they were alive, after seven years they were presumed dead in law.

The state took everybody and everybody’s property into trusts. Took control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving that they are alive. Then claims for damages can be made. State became the trustee holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles.

People became entities created by the state - like shares in the stock market. Legally, people are considered to be a fiction - a concept expressed with the name - birth certificate, ID cards - where names are written with CAPITAL letters. Like for a dead man on his tombstone. Like we are chattel (slaves) to a Corporation.

History of three crowns might help us to understand this better:

In 1302 AD Pope Boniface issued 1st Trust of the World called Unam Sanctum.

The dogmatic propositions on the unity of the Catholic Church are declared, all people must belong or be owned / controlled by the church to gain eternal salvation, it declares the pope as the supreme head of the Church and that all people must submit to the pope, that all people must belong to the Church to attain salvation.

This in effect is a church law that gives total power to their pope over all physical and all spiritual aspects of human life in other words - all souls belong to Roman Chatolic Church (the corporation). The pope put land into trust and all people have to behave as the corporation tell them - otherwise they'd have no way to heaven.

1455 AD Pope Nicholas created 1st Crown of the world. First Cestui Que Vie Trust is created when a child is born. All land belonged to the crown and no one had right to it. We were lost at sea.

1481 AD Pope Sixtus created second Crown of the Commonwealth. This Crown was of the flesh - the body and it was represented by second Cestui Que Vie trust.

1537 AD Pope III creates the third Crown of the Hole See and the third Cestui Que Vie trust followed when the child is baptised. Unaware parents give the child's soul with the certificate - we are again lost at sea as church owns a title to our souls.

1540 AD King Henry VIII was awarded Ecclesiastica Crown which gave him a right to claim all the lost souls. First Cestui Que Vie Act was created. After the 1816 the Crown was granted to Temple Bar - as now we know better as the Crown. People have no legal standing and the crown can legally enforce Maritme law - based on the laws of the sea.

And we got to 1666 - when the first Cestui Que Vie Act was updated by Charles II. It applied globally.

Exactly like when a ship BERTHS, it is given a CERTIFICATE at a DOCK same as the Government gives us a BIRTH CERTIFICATE from a DOC, so maybe we're just ships owned by the Government?

Let's take a look at the word 'ship' and other words related to the sea. Are we living in a created system of maritime?

ownership, dictatorship, worship, membership, citizenship, fellowship, censorship, scholarship, leadership, partnership, guardianship, sponsorship, currency (current sea), drowning in dept, liquid assets, frozen assets, floating stock, shark loan, keep head above the water, freeze bank accounts..

The thing is that Maritime law jurisdiction applies to a person. A person in legalese means ''to do business with a corporation'' and a word person derives from persona=mask. The false self! What is a person? a taxpayer, fine payer, license holder. The legal person has no consciousness - it is a name written on a piece of paper. If people don't obey, the governments can take people's possessions including their own children.

And what is a natural law on the other hand?

LAW = land, air, water.

It applies to every natural being, living men and women (not persons).

Created by the divine, living by the laws of nature/god.

Not operating under contracts.

Undeniable rights.

How can we just be as a creation of nature, not a creation of man?

How can we escape this insanity and be born free man and woman? Not a name and a number? What is the price we are paying to live in a society, civilization? Being ''protected'' by city cameras and law enforcements? Where is that freedom without Social security numbers and birth certificates where once you in it, you are in ''the numbers''. Where is the land, air and water which belong to us naturally, by right of nature?

When wild animals are born they just are. They live they eat they sleep and they enjoy nature - their home by right. And how can humanity become the same without becoming ''the wild animals'' with each other ?

There are ways to become free citizens, sovereign beings. Men and Women can demand court -(legal games are being played in court - hence the name. Game with actors - acting on act) to revest CQV, they can claim being alive.



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