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Astrological forecast: from Yule (winter solstice) to the New moon (30th December 2024): the gate of nine days!

Writer's picture: by Essence Diariesby Essence Diaries

Let’s consider the winter solstice as a Pagan celebration of Yule, a time to wait for the sun to come back home. The shortest day of the year marks the end of the descent into darkness and the beginning of the return of the light as the days begin to get longer after the solstice. Like many other religious holidays, Yule is a celebration of light.

There is another guest coming in that special day to accompany the triangle of fire (see last article): the triangle of earth, composed by the moon in Virgo, Pallas & ascendant in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. The sun, at the mast degree of Sagittarius ready to enter Capricorn can also be considered.

This materialistic triangle helps to feel grounded in the physical world, and to reveal a talent related to the practical sides of life.

If in the last article I was focusing on Mars acting in the triangle of fire...for this Yule I will focus on the Moon (in the sign of Mercury acting as a scout planet) and Pallas = the feminine side of Mars, located in Capricorn... sign of Mars.

Shall we consider the return of the light as the return of a feminine energy long repressed?

Sabian degrees:

* Moon 12-13° Virgo:

A powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria

* Pallas 8-9° Capricorn:

An angel carrying a harp

Is the earth changing its vibrations, moving from mass hysteria to a peaceful symphony?

Reminder: In Greek mythology, the Harp of Hermes (Mercury) represents the god’s creativity, cunning, and versatility. As an instrument, it embodies the harmony and balance that Hermes is said to bring to the world. The lyre’s association with Apollo, the god of music and poetry, further underscores its significance in ancient Greek culture.

According to some new perceptions, the union of the triangle of fire and the triangle of earth leads us to the Schumann resonances* and the concept of the impulse of the earth**.

* set of spectral peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the

Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.

Quote of Yule:

How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you in every moment.

Relaxation music:

Spot on the new moon!

There is a subtle interaction between Mars in Leo (sign of the sun) and the Sun-moon and Pallas in Capricorn (sign of Mars). As it is the 13th NM of the year it has a great importance in our process of of metamorphosis= erasing personal story, dropping self importance and karma cleansing. This was a huge job of 12 years and is about to be fruitful for the ones who believe in themselves and follow a path with a heart. This NM is an invitation to re-find our personal power and to put it in the collective.

We must be aware of the difference between to be part of the system and to be an inhabitant of the earth planet.

Sabian degrees:

Sun+moon 9-10° Capricorn:

An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor

Pallas 11-12° Capricorn:

An illustrated lecture on natural science reveals little-known aspects of life


Yule = 21.12= 33= 6 NM = 30.12= 42= 6

Does this NM have an archetype?

(being part of a group)



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