This FM in the axis Taurus-Scorpio is also called the moon of the Wesak.
Wesak is the high point of the spiritual year. Legend speaks of a sacred ceremony in which the Buddha, the Christ and enlightened Beings at the heart of all faiths deliver a special blessing to the world. As we link with this event, a great channel of light is created that uplifts all life.
Let’s have a look at the chart:

This FM occurring in the axis Taurus-Scorpio and in a fixed cross reveals a subtle conjunction between the moon and Uranus in the sign of Venus. Uranus is not at ease in the earth sign of Taurus, but has an impact on our desire to set up an inner revolution on a creative point of view.
The moon in Taurus reduces the materialistic side of the sign, conjunct to Uranus this FM invites us to find some innovative solutions to our inner frustrations due to the attacks of the system. The Sabian degrees might give us a few benchmarks. Time to scan our weaknesses and make them a strength. Time to put a positive part of ourselves in the world.
* Sun 24-25° Scorpio:
An X-ray photograph
* Moon 24-25° Taurus:
A vast public park
* Uranus 25-26° Taurus:
A Spanish gallant serenades his beloved
Spot on the triangle of Fire (including the ascendant):
As there are planets in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, it is very interesting to see that we skipped from a triangle of water (see last articles) to a triangle of fire... even if the sun is in a water sign and the moon in an earth sign. Let’s have a look at the archetypes:
* Chiron R in Aries = healing the wounds of the past.
The wise centaur occupies the sign of Mars. He is doing his job on the battlefield. Being side by side with the North node and opposite the South node, Chiron cleanses not only the wounds inflicted by the system but also our old memories stuck in our unconscious, blocking our power of action.
Archetype: the Healer

* Mars in Leo = the main actor on the stage.
Mars, ruler of the Scorpio, conjunct with the ascendant leads the battle. We seems to attend a theatre piece. The last act has just started. The characters are moving us towards the end; In the sign of the sun, the god of war shows us the way to victory over the deep state and the NWO.
Archetype: the Troop leader

* Mercury in Sagittarius = pushing the limits of reason.
Mercury is in exile in Sagittarius. The analytic mental is tricked by and an ancient knowledge that wants to come back to surface. The god of communication accompanies the Roman goddess, Juno, who used to be the protector of the state who held watch over women. She counsels, alerts, advises, and warns.
The god with winged sandals flies on top of reason and invites us to see or perceive another line of reality than the one showed by the system.
Archetype: the Seer

Fire energy is bold, active, and passionate. The triangle of fire accelerates creativity and brings a thirst for non stop adventure (Aries).
Talking about a revolution :
To end this article on the Wesak FM, I chose the words of a singer called Tracy Chapman – her song Talkin' bout a Revolution suits the atmosphere of this passage:
Poor people are gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs
Link to the song: