The eclipses are energetic compasses which are going to announce great changes of consciousness levels. On the 18th September, there will be the 3rd eclipse of the year (4:44am local time/France). It is a partial lunar eclipse occurring during a full moon on the axis Virgo (sun)-Pisces (moon).The eclipses season started on the 25th March and will end on the 17th October 2024. As the moon crosses the penumbral side of the earth, We have to do the same in our
psyche. Luckily the eclipse takes place in house 8, house of the magnetic and
mysterious Scorpio...ruled by Mars and Pluto.
The 8th house shows the intimate relation between our connection to others and
our subconscious inner world. Relationships mirror back what we still need to heal.
And at the same time, since it pulls us towards them, it actually demands us to work
through what needs to be healed instead of putting them aside.
It will be visible on the following areas : Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

As the moon crosses the penumbral side of the earth, We have to do the same in our psyche. Luckily the eclipse takes place in house 8, house of the magnetic and mysterious Scorpio...ruled by Mars and Pluto.
The 8th house shows the intimate relation between our connection to others and our subconscious inner world. Relationships mirror back what we still need to heal. And at the same time, since it pulls us towards them, it actually demands us to work through what needs to be healed instead of putting them aside.
On the other hand, we form relationships with everything, including ourselves. How is your relationship with yourself ? How do you perceive life ? What kind of relationship do you have with the Universe ? Everything mirrors back to us our subconscious patterns.
The moon is surrounded by Neptune and Saturn. The sun is surrounded by Mercury and Lilith. Mercury is in conjunction with Vesta. Let’s have a look at the Sabian degrees:
* Sun 25-26° Virgo :
A boy with a censer serves the priest near the altar.
* Vesta 11-12° Virgo:
After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride.
* Mercury 14-15° Virgo :
A fine lace handkerchief, heirloom from valorous ancestors;
* Lilith 3-4° Libra :
Around a campfire a group of young people sit in spiritual communion.
* Moon 25-26° Pisces :
Watching the very thin moon crescent appearing at Sunset, different people realize that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects.
* Saturn R 15-16° Pisces :
The quiet of his study a creative individual experiences a flow of Inspiration.
* Neptune R 28-29° Pisces :
Light breaking into many colours as it passes through a prism.
Mars and Pluto the tandem of a fruitful interaction :
The rulers of house 8 are located in opposite signs Cancer (Mars) and Capricorn (Pluto R). With Mars in the sign of the moon, the action is not so aggressive, but it is maturely thought. It is not immediate action but planned action. Pluto R is still inviting us to clear our relations with the system, the administration, the political power....the government.
Mars 7-8° Cancer :
A group of rabbits dressed in human clothes walk as if on parade.
Pluto 29-30 Capricorn :
A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs. The triangle of earth: just stay grounded and be present!
As we have planets in the 3 earth signs, creating a triangle... the realistic side of life will keep us grounded, being aware not only of our body but on the potential of our body. This triangle associated to the eclipse can helps us to put in motion our new projects...irrespective if they touch art, music, cooking, buying a house, a car...
Quote of the moon:
When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.
Eckhart Tolle
