This NM has a special taste, not only because it is the 11th new moon of the year, but it also occurs the day of the Celtic feast of Samhain.
During Samhain and Scorpio times, the sun has descended into the realm of the underworld (Pluto), the forces of the underworld are in the ascendancy. The lord of the underworld, unfettered from the control of the sun, now walks the earth and with him travelled all those other creatures from the abode of the dead.
Will this NM be warriorish ?
I mentioned a triangle of water in my previous article on the full moon in Libra. During this new moon, we face a new triangle of water in which sun and moon are invited at the table of the Scorpio (ruled by Mars & Pluto) !

We guess the invisible influence of Mars and Pluto. The first finishing its exile in the sign of the moon (Cancer) and the second one finish its journey in the sign of Mars/Saturn (Capricorn).
We are now ready for a better understanding of the world mess and the psychological war declared by the deep state on the populations.
The Sabian degrees give us clues: (Mercury in Scorpio)
Sun 9-10° Scorpio :
A drowning man is being rescued
* Moon 6-7° Scorpio :
Deep-sea divers
* South Node 6-7° Aries:
A Man succeeds in expressing himself simultaneously in two realms
* Lilith the black moon 14-15° Libra :
Circular paths
* North Node 6-7° Libra :
A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks
* The key :
Mars 28-29° Cancer
A Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales
Spot on the nodes and the black moon!
We clearly see the subtle influence of the god of war as the South node is located in Aries and the North node conjuncts Lilith in Libra.
During the week of Samhain, we have to understand the importance to get rid of this illusionary civilization ruled by the media. We can be perceptive and above all, receptive to the messages given by the underworld, including dreams and deep meditations. This is a perfect moment to move the assemblage point from reason and fear to another position that will allow new perceptions.
Return of the Jedi !
The Force will be with you. Always.
Obi Wan Kenobi

Welcoming the return of the Jedi is symbolic. I just hope the US presidential will bring balance to the world. Let’s bet that our egregore of positive collective
awareness will also move the assemblage point of humanity.
The Jedi himself is a wonderful symbol of a warrior fighting the dark side of the Force. We do need more Jedis !
Are you one of us?