This FM in the axis Pisces (sun)- Virgo (moon) also welcome a lunar eclipse which will act on the human psyche, our Yin part, the anima, our emotions, sensitivity, creativity. We can feel a lack of something, an area our shadow that needs to be put in light. But it is also the opportunity to erase a few neurotic behaviours, fears, inhibitions, a quest of perfectionism (Virgo) and to check our relation with the fear of death which is the core of the manipulation orchestrated by the media since 2020. As the FM and the lunar eclipse occurs in the axis of the nodes, the moon conjuncts the South node and the Sun conjuncts the North node, there is the karmic print of the eclipse knocking at our door. A few devils of the past might come back, and for the Castaneda aficionados, let’s call them petty tyrants.
Definitely, we are still dealing with the past, cleansing our personality from the old patterns and conditionings of the ancient world.
We can notice that almost all the planets are located above the horizon (https://www.essencediaries.com/post/astrological-forecast-new-moon-28th-february- 2025-exploring-new-tracks)
The very sensitive Pisces and its stellium wishes to reveal unexpected truths to the real world.
The Sabian degree (23-24°) of the sun in Pisces “On a small island surrounded by the Vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living in close interaction” invites us to see the importance of the collective and the interaction between human beings. It is a sign to drop individualism to enter the vast sea of consciousness.
Spot on Mercury and Venus in retrograde motion !
The Sabian degree (23-24°) of the moon in Virgo “Mary and her little lamb” confirms a quest for purity, meaning for those who have the intento, to enter a more spiritual world, a new world.
The gate of 7 days and the Spring Equinox!
We are now entering the Martian sign of Aries and in the meantime the spring Equinox (an important feast for the Pagan people of Europe). Neptune, ruler of Pisces is about to enter the sign of Aries (31st March)... announcing the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.The spring Equinox is the rise of the Yang energy, a time to move out, to start new projects, to set up new intents, to embrace novelty and innovation.
The Celtic astrology indicates the time of the alder (https://www.essencediaries.com/post/celtic-astrology-remembering-the-magical- power-of-the-trees)

Spot on Mercury and Venus in retrograde motion !
The Sabian degree (3-4°) of Venus R in Aries “Two lovers strolling on a secluded walk” puts in light the importance of harmonized relationships.
The Sabian degree (7-8°) of Mercury R in Aries “A large woman’s hat with streamers blown by an East wind” shows the need of being in touch with the forces of nature. East being the direction of the Spring Equinox.
The opposition Vertex in Libra- Mercury R,Venus R in Aries.
Following my last article on the NM in Pisces about the Vertex. (https://www.essencediaries.com/post/astrological-forecast-new-moon-28th-february- 2025-exploring-new-tracks)
The Vertex indicates the relationships that one attracts and its position in your theme says a lot about what you bring from the past...
The Sabian degree (13-14°) of the Vertex in Libra (sign of Venus ) “In the heat of The noon hour a man takes a siesta”. Should it be the illustration of a letting go ?
Quote of the Portal:
