This FM in the axis Leo (sun)-Aquarius (moon) seems to invite us to loose our self-importance and to see the importance of the collective.

The individualistic, artistic and flamboyant Leo symbolized by the sun faces the innovative, revolutionary and creative Aquarius ruled by Saturn and Uranus.
To give a colour to this full moon landscape, We have to notice the impact of the Retrograde planets.
Do not forget to have a look at the scout planet!

As a scout planet (the planet placed immediately before the Sun has symbolized the practical channel through which solar vitality is expressed), Mercury has a dynamic part of revelations and is deeply involved in providing messages. Today he is the postman putting letters and postcards in your mailbox.
As the scout planet rises just before the sun, it neutralizes the solar ego of the sign, colouring the personality with its potential. It’s one of the most important factors that need to be synthesized into the interpretation of the natal chart, as it is a planet acting behind the curtains hiding a tremendous potential.
The scout planet, Mercury conjunct to the sun in Leo, indicates a need to clean our link of communication with the Nagual by the not doing of falling in the trap of the media.
The conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in Gemini (sign of Mercury) confirms the external battle between truth and lies, election and disillusion, material and spiritual world.
There’s a subtle conjunction between Venus and the dark moon!
Venus the planet of love, creativity, money with art and ruler of the signs Taurus and Libra will meet her unexpected team mate, Lilith, the black moon... in the sign of Mercury (Virgo). The black moon takes more of the planetary elements of Saturn and Uranus, and therefore of a certain struggle of dependence, or of liberal anarchy.
5 retrogrades planets which are karmic cleansing opportunities!
* Pluto R in Aquarius........ house 12
* Saturn R in 1
* Neptune R in 2
* Chiron R in 2
* Mercury R in 7
we can also add the asteroid Ceres in Capricorn (house 11), the feminine side of Saturn.
So, to sum up every R planet will act like a transformative agent or a broom able to clean up the dust of the past and probably our past lives.
Esoteric Meanings of the Houses:
1st house: emergence of soul purpose, activities of the soul, the aura.
2nd house: spiritual values, use of life energies.
3rd house: mental energy, relating of higher and lower selves.
4th house: the foundation of the soul.
5th house: expression of spiritual will, actualization of a higher self.
6th house: personality integration, service through healing and nurturing.
7th house: the path of inner union between the soul and personality.
8th house: the path of the awakening of soul consciousness.
9th house: knowledge of cosmic law and ancient wisdom.
10th house: spiritual purpose and responsibility.
11th house: spiritual visions, aspirations, spiritual groups.
12th house: unredeemed past karma, bondage to personality, selfless service to
Quote of the FM :
