Mercury in Sagittarius tends to be quite uncomfortable, as Sagittarius is interested in the deeper unchangeable truths, things for which Mercury has little patience. Mercury likes to accumulate experiences, focus on the details, and in most of Sagittarius he is not allowed to do that freely. But if our mercurian energy can be adapted to the bigger picture of what is happening in Sagittarius – and, considering how flexible the mercurian archetype is, there is no reason it should not adapt – the possible rewards seem to be abundant.
Mars has carried a conjunction with the Sun for most of this month, providing an incalculable boost to its focus. Now its focus is directed by the interests of Sagittarius, and the arrows of Mars and the centaur join forces with the soul of the sky (the Sun) and the star-kindler (Varda). When you consider that that same Sun, Mars and Moon are forming a T-Square to Saturn in the Mutable modality, then you have a blueprint for success in whatever you are seeking to accomplish. The opening exists for a disciplined focus that gets things done with a high quality of attention.
If we had to be very rebellious, astrologically speaking, we would say that this T-Square could be considered a grand cross, given that we allow Black Moon Lilith a promotion. Let's say that this is not a grand cross, but a shadow of one. The aspect pattern is still functional, and Lilith therefore plays a role in the whole configuration. This tells us that the marriage of discipline and focus mentioned above can bring to our fingertips a previously arrested and secret potential, that is difficult to overstate.
Mercury square Neptune
Look out for addictive behaviour in the area of social media and television.
Tricky communication regarding health issues is likely, and ideas must be carefully vetted before they are let into your life. The risk of 'trojans' and viruses, both in the world of IT as well as the human mind, is on the menu.
Signs and their meanings might not be so obvious. They would need to be felt and explored deeply, rather than simply taken at face value.
Dreams will contain messages, but avoid the tendency to focus too much on the details, as this might lead you to miss the larger picture.
If one lives the present moment from a place of inner stillness, this square can bring untold riches from the womb of life. With Varda in the picture it becomes even more likely to have non-neurotic dreams, deep intuitions of high frequency vibration, a connection to the Source, a cleansing of the link to the spirit. In other words, a total spiritual renewal is in the air!

Saturn's T-Square to the full Moon – the axis of truth
This indicates restrictions on communication and truth (Gemini / Sagittarius). But Mercury's multi-faced position in this chart makes it so that these impositions from above have to contend with a harmonious trine between two very significant conjunctions; Mercury/Varda and Eris/North Node. This very positive aspect seems to indicate that much positive and long-lasting renewal will be sparked in the area of communication and how we think. People are about to come to certain realisations about where the world is going, and what their role and contribution should be.
The manipulation that currently runs rampant in the media, for example, is experiencing a rude awakening (take the case of Disney, or that of CNN), and it will only get worse for them unless they change direction. The shift towards a fairer and more inclusive society cannot be imposed by those who feel they are commissioned to save the rest of the world from its 'ignorance'. This reflects the arrogance of ideas forged in the oven of personal history and its resentments. Change is a delicate process which has to unfold, one precious drop at a time. And, according to the astrology, woe to those who hijack the quest for fairness and justice to serve their egoic purposes! For them, the time of reckoning draws near.
On a more individual level, this is a time to put in the work. The trick is to avoid focusing your full attention on the specific detail, easing your attention to allow you to feel and become one with the bigger movement. This alertness can bring great rewards, like sensitivity to the dreaming double, a clearer view of the way ahead, a positive channeling of otherwise very nervous energies, and surprising revelations. Be alert to memories, events, and especially where these two intersect... as it is time to face our personal history and let some of it go.
A good place to start is to be aware of one's reactivity to adverse situations, as this transforms a possible tension into attention. It is likely that you will be tempted to lash out at someone or something, as this full Moon period is going to be very intense. Emotions will be all over the place, and the mind will frequently try to handle too much information, resulting in confusion and more nervousness. Take a breath and be active. This too shall pass, and if you are alert on the way, you will find yourself richer by the time it does.