Following the article from Zven on the New Moon (11th May 2021), I would like to point out this sentence :
Our sensitivity to the invisible will increase, and this might lead to surprising
discoveries and connections.

Wishing to give more details on the portals (THE ART OF NUMEROLOGY: DISCOVERING THE PORTALS ), I had a look at the ephemeris of the month of May and realized that we have a window within the portal.The useful sentence above can also help us to open the windows. Let’s have a closer look at the numbers.
14 May 2021= Jupiter is entering Pisces so he is at home!
23 May 2021= Saturn is going in Retrograde motion,so going back to the past
Numerology is playing with number 5:
14.05.2021…… ……………..23.05.2021
5. 5. 5 5. 5. 5
It’s funny because we are sailing on a year 5 (2021=5), May is the fifth month of the year, and 14 and 23 are linked to the number 5.

This is the path leading to the eclipse of the 26th, with 2 moves of energy: Jupiter entering his own sign and Saturn turning R.
Number 5 is located in the middle of a cycle of 9 years, and above all, is the rep of
the Void in Osho Zen tarot.
But we don’t forget Mr triple 5=the Devil in Marseilles tarot=the conditioning in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
At the moment we are all facing, let’s say the side effects of the flyers pandemic, with its quota of manipulation, restrictions, obligations, lies, fake news… a big amount of conditionings.
Maybe it will be time to make the void to increase our sensitivity to the invisible and to welcome surprising discoveries and connections.
