This NM happens to be at the beginning of the Chinese new year of the Tiger, just located on the Celtic feast of Imbolc. The name Imbolc comes from the old Irish ‘I mbolg’ which meant ‘in the belly’ referring to the pregnancy of ewes which generally occurs during this time of year. It was strongly associated with Brighid, the goddess of fertility. It is interesting to note that Orient and Occident wisdoms are subtlety mixed during this conjunction of the sun and the moon in Aquarius.
Let’s have a look at the chart!

Only 4 signs of the zodiac contain planets, showing us the importance of these « strategic points ». The triple conjunction Sun + moon + Saturn in Aquarius invites us to see the double face of the world in which we live and how we have been conditioned to think « that’s true » . The Lord of Karma, wise and disciplined stays in its sign, accompanied by the sun and the moon which represent the 2 polarities of Aquarius: wise and rebellious, innovative and antistructual, creative and conceptual. The ascendant Capricorn locates the team, Mercury R + Pluto; both of them acting like a scout planet, giving the chart its real taste: deep transformation. All the corrupt governments who are still playing the fools, will very soon, face an ultimatum from the people. The lies, manipulations and brainwashing throughout the medias are now inefficent. The polarity of the nodes has changed and we are now living in a more realistic pattern, with the axis of the nodes in Taurus/Scorpio. Mars and Venus are playing together in the sign of Mars, the very serious Capricorn symbol shows the state of the political power. 3 planets in Aquarius, 4 planets in Capricorn, 2 planets in Pisces and 1 planet in Taurus. This should be a good symphony for a re-birth, mingling another subtle Trinity: air,earth and water. The seeds of change we’ve put in the soil for 2 years are now starting to sprout. All our efforts to resist the NWO intent will be soon rewarded. Bouncing on the 1st NM of January (02.01 and 01.02). Number 3; the ruler of house 3 (Gemini) conducted by the very tricky god of communication, who wants us to see the Real World as it appears to our eyes, and not the one chosen by the system / Illuminati / Satanists / Flyers, wanting you to recognize and accept a fake one.

The Tiger also symbolizes the unleashed forces of the unconscious, we can associate him with Pluto. He will help us to stop the psychological war, by keeping our unconscious far from a free / access Discernment and flair, perception and intuition, dreams and expression should be the key words to make this year of the Tiger a fruitful year of peace and innovative solutions!
As Bob Marley used to say : emancipate yourself from mental slavery!