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New Moon 29th January 2025, Chinese New year and Imbolc: The subtle mix between Eastern and Western cultures

Writer's picture: by Essence Diariesby Essence Diaries

This is the 1st New moon of the year sticking to the Chinese NY of the snake and bouncing with the Celtic feast of Imbolc (1st February)

- The move of the planets !

We have a huge concentration of planets in Aquarius: Pluto and Mercury (both acting as scout planets), sun, moon and Ceres + Midheaven.

Symbolized by the “water bearer”, the mystical healer who infuses water (life) upon the land, is accompanied by many symbols that bring the message to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery and to re-establish a real communication between human beings.

Let’s check the Sabian degrees:

Pluto 1-2° deg Aquarius

An unexpected thunderstorm

Mercury 2-3° Aquarius

A deserter from the Navy

Sun + moon 9-10° Aquarius

A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realize that as a person, He is not this ideal.

Ceres 20-21° Aquarius

A disappointed and disillusioned woman courageously faces a seemingly empty life

Midheaven 21-22° Aquarius

A rug is placed on the floor of a nursery to allow children to play in comfort and warmth

It is time to give space to awareness in order to fight the fake ideas spread by the manipulators.

This stellium in Aquarius announces the possibility to welcome innovative solutions to resolve fake problems that are stuck in our mind.

The ascendant Gemini, sign of Mercury, invites us to find or re-find a way of communication that suits us in the world. If you are conditioned not to express your anger, go for it in a peaceful way, if you are angry all the time ,try to understand why. All the media are unconsciously acting on our mood and our neurotic behaviours.

With the move of the nodes, we cleanse our karmas in a more subtle way, as the north node is conjunct to Neptune and Venus..and not far from Saturn the lord of the karma.

As almost all the planets are on top of the chart, located on top of the horizon*, meaning on the area Zenith-South-light, many secrets are going to be put on surface.

Does this NM invite us to change our old skin ? Why not!

The Year of the Wood Snake!

The Year of the Wood Snake continues until February 16, 2026, when the Year of the Horse begins.

The Snake, the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac, embodies traits such as intuition, strategy, and elegance.

The Wood Snake is believed to bring growth, resilience, and harmony, making it a year well-suited for personal and professional development.

The last Year of the Wood Snake occurred in 1965, completing the zodiac’s 60-year cycle, which pairs the 12 zodiac animals with the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Imbolc (celebrated on February 1st or at the new moon of February)

The name Imbolc comes from the old Irish ‘I mbolg’ which meant ‘in the belly’ referring to the pregnancy of ewes which generally occurs during this time of year. It was strongly associated with Brighid, the goddess of fertility.

It is interesting to note that Orient and Occident wisdoms are subtlety mixed during this conjunction of the sun and the moon in Aquarius. Imbolc is a festival dedicated to the renewal of spring and purification at the end of winter: it was important to purify from the «stains» accumulated during the winter in order to welcome fresh and clean renewal of light.

Mars retro in Leo & rediscovering wu weï !

The god of war in Leo is located under the level of the horizon*- line between the ascendant (east) and the descendant (west), which in psychological astrology indicates the unconscious. It indicates the importance if seeing the psychological war of the 21st century, the war against the people initiated by a dominant oligarchy.

It is also time to erase our psychic fears.

By rediscovering the pleasure to be alive, we can obey to the laws of nature in order to accept a state of grace in which action is performed by enchantment, without the assistance of the rational mind will.



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