6.07am, CET, Malta, EU.
The Journey
We are going to deal with this New Moon in Scorpio with more 'intuitive' brand of astrology. This is a time to stay in the periphery of the system, and also keep an observant eye on the systems that we trust. Inspired by Kalen's article “Is 2020 a Karmic year?”(link) and somehow led by intuition to search for some information on “The Book of the Moon” by Stephen Forrest, the number 8 said hello and waved from its reception desk at the 'museum of karma'.
In what he calls “The Mystery of Eight” (a phrase that could not be tailored to fit better into the mood of this New Moon in Scorpio – the mysterious house 8) Forrest makes a strong case for correspondences between the Moon's phases and the Celtic feasts. The Waning Crescent phase, which is the one just before the New Moon, corresponds to Samhain (the previous full Moon happened right on the day). The New Moon phase corresponds to Yule (21st December). What this means for us during this lunation is that the days surrounding this new Moon are a microcosm, a miniature, of a 2-month passage starting in Samhain (31st October) and finding its climax in the Return of the Light, Yule (21st December). A passage that also includes two eclipses.
So while the astrological system can lead us to focus on success and morality – which is fine of course – it might be missing a deeper meaning, which is “What kind of success?”, “What kind of morality?” In other words, what is the motivating force to move forward? What is my motivation to grow made of? This is the question that this new Moon poses.
In the so-called western world we have had some good technological advancement. One big invention is the ability to commute with great speed over large distances. Forgetting for a moment the high environmental price of the combustion engine, let's focus on another aspect; brute force. Our vehicles produce a projectile force that busts its way through the air and sea, cutting through. It is a force that accumulates 'behind' the vehicle, forcing it through matter.
There is, however, a different idea of how to move forward, which involves creating a vacuum in front of the vehicle. This vacuum will naturally pull the vehicle forward without the need of a force being accumulated at the back of the vehicle.
Why deal with commuting in this text? First, because this New Moon's mood is that of a journey from one life to another. Second, because in order to make this journey we have to change our engine, from one that feeds on the brute force of accumulated past (conditioning and karma), to one that moves gracefully and effortlessly into the promising embrace of the NEW. For this to happen the 'material' and the 'mental' must be suspended, like a temporary vacuum. Time to face the Void. That action in itself is movement.
So, what is the opportunity on offer here? It is not pretty, but extremely liberating. Let go, let yourself be pulled into the dark recesses of your being; explore the content of your psyche, conscious and unconscious motivations, the fears, the violence. Do this with the love of a mother (new Moon, nurturing, feminine), without judgement or justification; introduce the light of your attention into the darkness.
It can become quite dark down there, sometimes even unbearable, and there is no need to force. But remember that old adage, it is darkest just before dawn. Release the old to make space for the New, bringing back gifts from the other side.
This exploration can be helped through many means. Anything that helps you focus your attention on the present moment. Read this article (Mercury in Scorpio, link) for practical explanations and guidelines.
Wishing you a fruitful and exciting journey into the mystery that you are.