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Numerology report July 2023:welcoming coincidences and synchronicity!

Writer's picture: by Essence Diariesby Essence Diaries

This month of July (= 7th month of the year) amplifies the vibration of number 7. In the Osho Zen tarot it is the card symbolizing Awareness. But this month also bounces with the numerology of the year = 2023=2+0+2+3= 7

Let’s start by the beginning:


7 7 7 = triple 7 (3x7= 21=2+1=3) (see the Sirius gateway)

I feel that the mirrors may indicate a mysterious gate, as number 7 is also the number of mystery.

09.07 2023

9+7 7

16 7

7 7

18.07 2023

18+7 7

25 7

7 7

27.09 2023

27+7 7

34 7

7 7

Masters numbers:

The masters numbers help the warrior to discover his/her own essence, facilitate his/her access to the double, and lead the warrior into a temporal line to make the right move.

04.07= 4+7= 11

15.07= 15+7= 22

22.07= 22+7= 29= 11

26.07= 26+7=33

31.07= 31+7= 38=11

06.07 2023

6+7 7

13 7

4 + 7 = 11

15.07 2023

15+7 7

22 7 = 29 = 11

24.07 2023

24+7 7

31 7

4 7 = 11

Quote of the month:




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