Looking closely at the patterns 3 and 6, you notice that 3 and 6 equals 9,
6 and 3 equals 9,
all numbers combined equals 9,
both ways of excluding and including 3 and 6!
So 9 means the union of both parties.
9 is The Universe itself! N. Tesla

*A doorway, entrance, or gate, especially one that is large and imposing.
*An entrance or a means of entrance.
*The portal vein.
Portals of March 2024:
03.03 = Master number 33 (moon in Sagittarius)
08.03= Master number 11 (moon in Aquarius)
19.03= Master number 22
30.03= Master number 33 (moon in Sagittarius)
Sum of the masters numbers = 99
05.03 2024
8 8 double 8 = 88 (moon in Capricorn)
11.03 2024
14 8 14+8 = 22 (Venus in Aries)
14.03 2024
17=8 8 double 8 = 88 (moon in Taurus)
18.03 2024
21=3 8 3+8 = 11 (moon in Cancer)
23.03 2024
26=8 8 double 8 = 88 (moon in Virgo)
Sum of the Master numbers= 297=2+9+7=18 = 9
Re-finding our soul:
A path for those who are searching for one, or a new path for the ones who want to change their direction...might appear in front of your 3rd eye. A spiritual mission, for those who are searching for one might appear in front of your 3rd eye.
A revelation for those who are searching for one, might appear in front of your 3rd eye.
The axis 3,6,9 is a pure invitation to rediscover what the system has blocked for decades, due to our conditionings. The true initiate, the knight of the Temple, must plunge into a deep introspective state to be able to overcome the profane and vulgar currents incarnated by the world and its attractions.
