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Numerology report of JANUARY 2025: Welcoming the universal year 9!

Writer: by Essence Diariesby Essence Diaries

The Essence diaries team wishes all of you a fruitful new year, full of revelations and filled with inner joy.

In mythology, the number 9 is often associated with spiritual growth and knowledge. For example, in Norse mythology, Odin hung from the world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nine nights to gain wisdom and knowledge. In Greek mythology, nine muses inspired creativity and art, while in Egyptian mythology, nine gods presided over the underworld.

In numerology, the number 9 is associated with spiritual growth, wisdom, and

completion. It is believed that individuals who have a life path number of 9 are highly empathic and compassionate, with a strong desire to serve humanity.

The number 9 also holds special significance in various spiritual and religious traditions around the world. In Christianity, there are nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In Hinduism, there are nine forms of Goddess Durga, each representing a different aspect of femininity and power. And in Buddhism, there are nine stages on the path to enlightenment.

Universal year 9: finishing a cycle of 9 years

2025 (2+0+2+2+5= 9) is a 9 Universal Year in Numerology, a time for completion,

reflection and healing, before starting a new cycle of nine years. The goal this year is to let go of what’s outdated, so we can step into a new phase of transformation for us and for the world.

Number 9 is the antithesis of the ego and a gate to a world without mental frontiers, a spiritual world.

Portals of January 2025:

01.01 2025

1+1 2+2+5

2 9 = 11 master number (moon in Capricorn)

08.01. 2025

8+1 2+2+5

9 9 = 99 mirror (moon in Taurus)

10.01 2025

10+1 2+2+5

11=2 9 = 11 master number (moon in Gemini)

17.01 2025

17+1 2+2+5

18=9 9 = 99 mirror (moon in Virgo)

19.01 2025

19+1 2+2+5

20 9

2 9 = 29= 11 master number ( moon in Libra)

26.01 2025

26+1 2+2+5

27=9 9 = 99 mirror (moon in Sagittarius)

28.01 2025

28+1 2+2+5

29=2 9 = 11 master number (moon in Capricorn)

Elements: Earth x4 Fire x1 Air x1

Move of the planets:

Sun in Aquarius.........................20th January
Mercury enters Capricorn.............9th January
Venus enters Pisces....................4th January
Mars R enters Cancer..................7th January
Uranus in direct motion................31st January
North Node in Pisces....................11th January
South Node in Virgo

The hidden face of the additions:

Sum of the masters numbers

11+99+11+99+11+99+11= 341= 3+4+1= 8

2 0 2 5 =

2 4 7

.6 2


Like an iceberg, we must SEE the hidden face of number 8,the necessary karmas cleansing that helps us to enter a real spiritual evolution. Many things are still pending on the material plan and will be resolved during this year 2025. The proof is the change of sign of the nodes from the 11th January.

Quote of the month:



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