seeing the masters numbers and holding the line of awareness!
This month of July (=7th month of the year) amplifies the vibration of number 7. In the Osho Zen tarot it is the card symbolizing....

After the full moon of the 13th, there’s a subtle frequency of masters numbers bouncing with number 7.
A few words about the masters numbers:
A few words about the karmic numbers:
2022.... 20 22
Let’s start by the beginning:
* 15.07.2022
15+7= 22
* 22.07.2022
22+7= 29= 11
* 26.07.2022
26+7= 33 2022
(6 6 = 66)
* 29.07.2022
We can find a sequence of ordered masters numbers 22/11/33/11....knowing that the next 22 will be on the 14th August.
There is a subtle synchronicity announcing that we have to believe in a positive change. The events planned by the NWO and his nest of psychopaths (the WEF of Davos) are disturbed by a Force that doesn’t belong to any corrupt system.
The master numbers help the warrior to discover his/her own essence, facilitate his/her access to the double, and lead the warrior into a temporal line to make the right move.
I wanted to make it simple: all is a matter of awareness.
