This month of September vibrates with the potential of the number 9 ,directly linked to the axis 3, 6 ,9 = communication, harmony, universal.
On the Templar tarot, the number 9 symbolizes the introspective knight or the mystic anchorite.
The true initiate, the knight of the Temple, must plunge into a deep introspective state to be able to overcome the profane and vulgar currents incarnated by the world and its attractions.

As Mercury will stand in retrograde motion till the 16th September, every warrior has to find his/her own way to meditate or to stop the inner dialogue in order to be more receptive and get messages from the Nagual.

Tesla had a theory which linked the power of 3, 6 and 9. When studying circles (360 degrees, which is 3 + 6 = 9), for example, he discovered that no matter how many times you divided one, the outcome would always be a 3, 6 or 9. He felt these three numbers held great significance in the universe, nature and the human blue print.
It is said that the number 3 is a direct link to the universe, while the number 6 represents the strength we have in ourselves and the number 9 helps to release feelings of negativity.
*A doorway, entrance, or gate, especially one that is large and imposing.
*An entrance or a means of entrance.
*The portal vein.
Portals of September 2023:
02.09 = 11
09.09 = 99 9+9 = 18 = 9
18.09 = 09.09 = 99
22.09 = 29 = 11
27.09 = 09.09 = 99
29.09 =38 =11
07.09. 2023
16 2+2+3
7 7 = 77 mirror
04.09. 2023
4+9 2+2+3
13=4 7
4 7 = 11 master number
13.09. 2023
22 2+2+3
4 7 = 11 master number
22.09. 2023
31 2+2+3
4 7 = 11 master number
25.09. 2023
34 2+2+3
7 7 = 77 mirror
Fall equinox on the 23rd Sept 23:
23. 09. 2023 …………...2+3+0+9+2+2+3= 21= 2+1 = 3
Looking closely at the patterns 3 and 6, you notice that, 3 and 6 equals 9, 6 and 3, equals 9, all numbers combined equals 9, both ways of excluding and including 3 and 6! So 9 means the union of both parties. 9 is The Universe itself!
N. Tesla

……… 1+2+3 = 6
………. 4+5+6= 15 = 6
………. 7+8+9=24 = 6
12 = 3 15 = 6 18 = 9
Picture of the month: Do we always needs words?
