Following the upside-downs of the crazy world, something very interesting came to my mind after the NM+ eclipse of the 4th December.
After an argument with neighbours that should be considered as “capitalists invaders”, I suddenly realized that I was facing the very similar situation of the world. I also phoned to another (very nice) neighbour who described to me our common enemy as a "viper".
The coincidence was huge! It was a pure manifestation of the Spirit: seeing your enemy with the eyes of a warrior, and not by the politically correct side effect of our occidental education.
The corrupted medias also provide people with fake news, selling lies like the farmer sells eggs. But this kick in the ass was in fact the last stone to an edifice built on lies and manipulation= the edifice of the flyers.
After many years of researches, I came to a point that the flyers on behalf their reps (illuminati, satanists, bankers, big pharma, politicians, fake religious leaders) have a method that I called “reverse energy”. This old strategy of mystification and manipulation comes from Sabbataï Tsevi and Jakob Franck. For further details please check on the internet these names and you will be surprised.
IRU, what does that mean?
When the flyers want to take a system, a religion, an economy...they use this simple method:
The best examples in our society are the politicians, the Jesuits using the nazi symbol of the black sun, the big pharma leaders wanting to save the world. One of their best reps is the dalaï lama, a fake spiritual leader (and his assistants) member of honour of the “Mind and Life Institute”. Please have a look:
One of founders Mr Daniel Goleman speeches at the Davos forum, the nest of the NWO:
See the pic here:
A big boy Adam Engle, lawyer…
A big girl
Without forgetting the fake monk Matthieu Ricard, attending the Davos forum for 15 years. Please have a look:

Don’t forget your indigo!
It is important to put in motion our capacity of discernment, which means being aware of our Indigo (3rd eye) potential. Many people won’t find strange that a monk mingled in the capitalistic world of Davos, and a spiritual leader being the founder of a mind and control institute.
So let’s wake up together with the eye of the warrior. The illusionists are making their show, and I do not applause! One can find the symbol of the black sun in many organizations:

(Jesuits Order)

(mind and life institute).
Pure reverse energy. Inspired from the black sun this “institute” showing you how to emancipate from mental slavery (thanks, Bob Marley) in fact putting you in slavery!
If your neighbour calls himself an ecologist and sets up (behind your back) a real estate business and asset management to steal property from the farmers …
If your friend claims to be an anti-capitalist, vomiting on the American system, calling for a life on an island and (behind your back) invests in the banking system …
If your friend claiming himself part of the revolution, said to you: “I will never get vaccinated”, and (behind your back) got his jabs arguing that “I want to be free” ...
When the politician on behalf of fake statistics want all the population vaccinated with big pharma poison, in the name of economy and health ...
Is bill gates philanthropic?
Is the NWO the real new world?
Can we trust liars?
The system is already fucked. Be sure of it!
This is reverse energy!
The word Covid is actually the word Divoc but upside down, and this word Divoc or Divok or Dibbouk in Hebrew is a Kabbalah word, denoting an evil spirit or a “demon that dwells in the body of an individual to whom it remains attached”, this is according to a Wikipedia article on Dibbouk.
(In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (/ˈdɪbək/; Yiddish: דיבוק, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק dāḇaq meaning 'adhere' or 'cling') is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being exorcised)
Bogdan Herzog, the Romanian mystic of Timisoara, notes that if you write — COVID — in Hebrew letters and read it from right to left — DIVOC — as the Hebrew words read, you will get דיבוק, — Dybbuk — the demon of the cabalists, the evil spirit that can penetrate and possess a person suffering from heightened emotions

The Resistance is made with Jedis. Never rule the world, the siths will.
Thanks master Yoda, we love you!