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The Colour System; the art of discovering one’s own self

Writer's picture: by Essence Diariesby Essence Diaries

Updated: Jun 7, 2022

Hello warriors, here is a brief presentation of a colour system developed by two French therapists (Mr. Gilles Lhomme and Mrs. Patricia Cherqui) and their research group. In the 90s, with a very advanced shamanic and energetic teaching, they revolutionized chromotherapy. Having followed their seminars for almost a decade, I think it is important to lay the groundwork for the general public…

The Colour System, or the art of discovering one’s own self.

Pic 1 - Seal of Solomon:

Initially, the therapists used the coloured hexagram called the Ghadiali* Seal of Solomon. *Dinshah P. Ghadiali (1873-1966) was an Indian researcher who pioneered Chromotherapy and colour care. He developed systems by which he obtained many cures for serious diseases.

Explanatory system:

Pic 2 - Static system:

We have a balanced system here, so there is no dynamic, no movement. We are here in the area of complementary static colours: * Red is opposite the Blue 2 negative/female polarity colours. * The Violet is opposite the Yellow 2 colours with positive/male polarity.

A positive polarity colour circularly follows a negative polarity colour and so on…

Pic 3 - Dynamic System:

According to the electric principle of the dynamo, both the two negative poles and the two positive poles must be placed opposite to each other, in order to generate movement. Previously (pic 2) we had an inert system. It was therefore necessary to develop a dynamic structure of colours that could help to move from a scheme of four colours (plus the Green) to a system of eight, then twelve colours. How to proceed? How to create movement? Applying the electric dynamo principle to the circle:

Two negative polarities are followed by two positive polarities.

At the level of the colour dynamic, the system arises from movement.

It was now a question of placing the colours on the circle so that it corresponded to the directions, the elements, and the different movements, all at the same time. The coherence of the system was linked to the sum of these three requirements combined.

On the diagram (right), indicating the direction of the East, the yellow is associated with light. The flame is indeed yellow and not red; the root of fire, its «earth» is red, but the flame, its expression, is yellow. The blue, in the opposite direction, corresponds to the West and the water element. The red is linked to the Earth, to the South. The roots of the name Adam, the red being, are to be found in two Hebrew words: ED, the place of the Earth, and DAM, blood. It is also Muladara (root chakra). It is the whole lower zone of the human body in interpenetration with telluric forces.

At the very top of the graph, the violet corresponds to the North. It is associated with the crown chakra, the intellect, the pneuma, the breath, and therefore the Air.

This system is a colour generator.

By associating the yellow of the East and the red of the South we get the orange. In the same way, the mixture of the blue of the West and the violet of the North gives the indigo. The two gates (Orange and Indigo) appear through the presence of colours with inverted polarities.

Red (–) and Yellow (+) = Orange. Blue (-) and Violet (+) = Indigo. This principle applies to the colour blue (-) and the colour yellow (+) which, brought together, give the green, the third gate, known as the Great Gate.

Application of the Colours on the human body:

There are four Colours corresponding to four large areas of the body: * Red for lower body (feet/legs). * Yellow for the abdomen. * Blue for the chest. * Violet for the cranium. There are three colours corresponding to three small areas of the body: * Orange, Green and Indigo. Traditionally these three zones correspond to gates. And there’s also an outer colour, the Magenta.

Pic 4 - the map of the chakras:

That makes a total of eight colours. The orange and indigo are the main gates through which energy flows (the Hara for physical energy and the Ajna chakra for psychic energy). These are passageways in the body.

In the same way, on our diagram, these gates lead us to the center of the Circle. The localization of these colours is logically inside the Circle and leads us to the green colour which is, according to Tradition, the heart chakra, the Opening. It is through the heart chakra that we can “open” ourselves to perceive the world and the energy that surrounds us. The green is the central Colour and represents the gate that can put us in communication with the outer colour which is the magenta. We can say that magenta is the colour of the unknown, the colour of the Spirit, which surrounds our luminous cocoon. Magenta is the Colour of the Double. The green is the direct access to the Double.

To perfect the dynamics of the system and because it is the complementary colour of the Green, the therapists placed the Magenta in the center of the circle, in association with the Green.

We have set these two colours of the Spirit, in the evolutionary movement of Yin and Yang, a 2D representation of a vortex… In the chromatic spectrum, the two colours closest to magenta are purple and red. Thus, in our system, all the coloured energies are positioned on the circle.

(pic 3). The therapists have observed how the colours interact with the energy of the area where they are positioned on the human body. (pic 4) Of course, they saw that one could work with these colours in the direction of the spectrum (from red to violet or vice versa) or each in isolation. On the body there also exist specific energy paths linked to dynamic and static systems, because…

The energy of the human being is finite, as it is contained in a luminous cocoon.

The relationship between the colours:

According to them, the spiritualist notion of upward or downward exits proved erroneous. These are entrances (gates where energy comes) that go up and down and meet in the center, where the green is. The green, being the complementary of the magenta, is therefore the colour that connects us to the Spirit. The connection with the energy in freedom is thus done well through the heart area, and not through the top or the bottom.

However, each human being, according to his own nature, his destiny, the karmic parameters and the experiences he will have to go through, sees the energetic disposition of his body, and thereby his basic chromatic organization, modified.

The distribution of the colour-spectrum (from red to violet) as traditionally established and attributed to the different areas of our body, undergoes, in fact, an overhaul.

So what happens then? A colour will superimpose itself on the basic colour, simply because our energy demands that it be in that place, because we need it in this area of the body, for our own evolution. “Underneath”, the basic colour exists, of course, but the individual will be forced to pass through the filters of a different energy colour. This for a better understanding of himself. Take, for example, the solar plexus. It’s a large area associated with the yellow. Individually, it will be tinged with one of the seven basic colours, including yellow. If it is the violet which comes to superimpose itself on the yellow of the abdomen, we would say that the energy expression of the violet has overwhelmed that of the initial yellow, to the point of supplanting it. The violet will become the energy expression, the characteristic of this zone. In this case, the objective will be to go through the experience «violet» in consciousness, to find the basic energetic formulation which is «yellow». There is therefore a basic colour map (pic 4) and also a specific colour map for each individual (5040 combinations). The specific map, also called birth map, allows an analysis and an understanding of the energy constraints and the forces at play specific to each individual. Learning to “read oneself” according to the place that each colour occupies on our birth map allows us to answer the question: “Why am I so?”

This system proposes, to each person, to realize one's destiny by finding within oneself the singular tools for refinding the equilibrium of our original colours.

Practical use:

During all their years of work in psychotherapy with their patients, the therapists used the Ghadiali Seal of Solomon to initiate their sessions. The protocol was to randomly drop the drawing featuring the coloured hexagram on the floor. The side of the star that would point to the patient would indicate the colour that would serve as a “barometer” to guide the session.


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