Wuwei, wu wei or wou wei is a Taoist concept that can be translated as “no-action” or “non-intervention”. However, it is not an attitude of inaction or passivity, but the act of acting in conformity with "the original cosmic order", the movement of nature and the Way (Tao). The paradoxical expression wei-wu-wei, «act without acting», is used by Lao Tsu (aka Laozi) in the Tao Te Ching and remains the object of many interpretations.

Wu in Chinese can translate into nothing, non-being, nothingness, emptiness.
The notion of wu wei, on the other hand, is often translated by passivity or non-acting. However, it designates or rather suggests an attitude of receptivity and extreme availability to the events and situations in which we find ourselves included and involved without being in control.
Wu-wei manifests itself in those who have ceased selfish and passionate actions and have replaced them with humility, altruism, tolerance, gentleness, without any claim to wisdom.

One of the best examples of this concept is Forrest Gump, the symbol of innocence, obeying the laws of nature, following a path with heart. A film that must be understood on a more subtle level. Not filtered by the rational mind, his actions become natural. Not gripping to his ego, Forrest is the supreme wu weï master, a man who acts with such a big amount of fluidity, that no obstacle can stop him from being free.