Vadim Zeland and the world-view of Transurfing, with which I am becoming slowly acquainted, is quite inspiring. Zeland achieves a high level of clarity in the communication of these ideas and practices by creating specific terms that can be seen as modules, aggregates of meaning that are easy to understand and connect together. For those who have never been in touch with his works I must, if this article is to be understood, describe some of them:
The space of variations: An infinite 'space' of possibilities, accessible to all. We choose which areas of this space to highlight through engaging positively with the vibration of that area. Imagine it like a map of colours, morphing into each other, in which all colours and shades are present, ready to be 'moved into'. This concept is very useful to make sense of Carlos Castaneda's exposition of the“assemblage point”.

Excess Potential and the Balancing Forces: The universe is always seeking balance. When one is focusing on the negative, one creates excess potential, a sort of frustrated intention. The universal intelligence feels this as what one might call “a disturbance in the Force”, and immediately ses out to compensate for it through the simplest and fastest route, which usually is the isolation of the source of the negative transmission: you and me in our sustained negative moods.
Now to the article itself:
Change does not come out of dissatisfaction. Our world is made of energy that manifests itself according to different frequencies, or moods. The reach of the resonance of a frequency is increased according to its amplitude (its 'loudness'). Anger does not bring change. It brings more anger, even if the outward situation has actually changed. Dissatisfaction brings more of itself and more of the objects it is directed towards.
The beautiful paradox is that the soil from which actual change grows is in fact a positive attitude to one's present. Any other scenario necessarily implies that the vibration of dissatisfaction (from a mild irritation to vigorous hatred) will “swing” into the “new” situation. It will, like what is called a 'trojan' in the world of informatics, be secretly carried into the new situation. 'Secretly' here meaning “unconsciously”. The new situation is outwardly more satisfying. Inside, however, it holds within it the seed of its own destruction, as it were.

Of course the courage to act through a clear choice generates its own power. This is why the new
situation will not only be more satisfying, but will also be a little less 'tolerant' of the trojan. So
acting with choice, even if the motivation is not 'clean' (reactive), can have its advantages, as one
asserts something within himself, activates (remembers) a power that goes beyond pure
dissatisfaction, and therefore brings a part of the balancing forces that arise to balance off the excess potential, into his own field, to play for him instead of against him. And yet, the risk of residue is always present, and it is not a nice risk. A 'dirty' intensity adds to the baggage of a situation, even if the situation is 'new'. Which means that there is always a very real and common risk that the new situation, while having generated a very strong positive (invigorating) emotional response in the first instance, will in fact contain in its recesses a more dangerous demon, a cleverer and more stealthy saboteur. This, of course, happens in the case in which one acts with anger, hatred, spite, pride, guilt, fear. These latter may all be motivations to 'move', but they move with you, and grow according to how blind you are to their presence.
True change – which means change on the energetic level – begins when one is in the space of
choice. Choice is not a given, because it implies the absence of mechanical reaction. Some might
argue that there always is a moment in which a choice can be made, even in the most mechanical reactions. And that might be true, but it doesn't change the fact that the mechanicalness is, for that moment, suspended in order for the possibility of choice to arise.
In other words choice and mechanicalness cannot co-exist in the same moment within the same space.

We speak of and practice acceptance of the present life-situation for a very precise reason. From an energetic perspective every other scenario is pure madness. Even if the present situation is
uncomfortable, or downright unacceptable, it pays for one to not identify completely with the
negativity. After all, what right do you have to call the shots on what is acceptable or not? Most
situations – for it is dangerous and counter-productive to mainly consider extreme situations –
however are ambivalent, which means that they have both advantages and disadvantages. We have been taught to think that focusing on the negative will bring about the necessary drive for change. This is an unconscious preconception that fuels all well-meaning (and ultimately harmful) activities in the world, unless those who carry them out are aware of what we are speaking of.
While the negative must NEVER be swept under the rug (as it is there that it actually induces
mechanicalness), we must be aware of the massive difference between knowing and being-
concerned. The latter, with the hyphen, indicates that one can never simply 'have a concern'.
Concern itself is an act of identification with the 'problem'. This means that a person invests being in that concern, and therefore “being concerned” about something is necessarily to be in a state of being I am calling being-concerned. It is a stuckness of the assemblage point. The 'problem' is now living through you.
Knowing is as it sounds, a state in which one simply knows. There are systems and practices we
use, and sometimes even isolated occurrences, that throw light on a negative energetic condition that plagues us, for example through our ancestral and/or personal history. Consider N's case, for example: the family intent is very focused on fear, and the manifestation of that fear is a web of financial interest, shady generosity, compromising and potentially dangerous situations etc. This situation, on the other hand, provides him with an artist's lifestyle in which the need to work a 9 to 5 does not arise. He therefore has most of his time to himself and the pursuits that make him happy. It also, on yet another hand, gives him the opportunity to drown in comfort, wallow in the guilt of doing nothing, of not being productive, giving him the 'opportunity' to become like an ant who, having lost the trail of its mates, turns around and around in the same square foot on a large bathroom floor, in a silent, draining panic.
So, for N, in this situation made possible by his family/ancestry, there is a space of many possible outcomes. This space is the most accessible to him at this stage, a specific area in the space of variations that is more readily accessible. Let's say, he has spent years dealing with this, finding its flaws, trying to accept its inherent opportunities, and the more concerned he gets, the deeper he drowns in the disempowering aspects of it. Concern itself is a clinging, a clinging to a situation, an intent of permanence, and therefore a practice of resistance to change. The truth is that no change can grow outside of a field, and the only field available is the one that exists actually. So if one sticks to his ideas, and wants to grow asparagus plants at all costs, but the soil can grow only carrots and potatoes, then one is in for an unnecessary ordeal. This is where acceptance comes in.

Acceptance, true acceptance, forbids the negative face of the situation from realizing itself in a
negative reaction. One potential is perfectly balanced with its opposite. Both, negative and
positive, are possible to the same degree. Reaction creates excess potential. Excess potential, as
Zeland points out, creates the need for balancing forces to come into play. The fundamental
difference between the positive and the negative manifestations is that the negative creates excess potential, while the positive creates action. Excess potential is created through concern. Action is created through confidence. Action that is created through concern is not action, it is reaction, mechanical, a programmed set of moves.
Action is creative. First accept, then act. Tolle's terminology is beautiful and useful: surrendered
action. A fantastic paradox which designates an action that is totally creative because in it and
through it one is removing the self and is surrendering to the flow of the wave of possibilities that his present situation is putting on the menu (all dishes can be cooked, but one has to respect the chef's preferences first, then suggest variations on the menu).
Concern will only make this surrender impossible, as concern is a simulated control, in the same
way as a feeling of guilt is a simulated desire to change. Concern is a focus on the impossibilities of a situation, which is to say that it is a solidification of those faces of a situation that do not provide a 'way out', those aspects of a situation that are only aimed at making said situation permanent.
This is why accepting one's situation, not reluctantly, but joyfully if possible, even if this situation has very damning and complex energetic roots, is vital for residue-free change to take place. The
present situation is a passage into a new life, and it is the only passage that exists. Concern and
haste, as well as fear and hesitation, turn this passage into a solid end, a prison, or at best a road- block. Enjoying the opportunities that a situation presents, while never fooling oneself about the possible traps and the situation's inherent desire to make itself permanent, frees the situation to be what it really is; a passage.
